Wednesday, 24 August 2011



The 3D printing technology is coming to your street, but how much do we know about this Sci-fantastic technology? One thing is sure that it’s gonna make you soon redundant. Or put it more directly, its gonna sack the factory labourer more ruthlessly then Lord Sugar on ‘The Apprentice’ show.

Do you also know we will be able to produce spare parts for a roof, a bicycle and a toy? You better put your seat belts on, the ride from printing books, leaflets, photos and labels on a laser printer to when you actually will be able to download parts is going to be scary! It may soon happen in our lifetime! It might soon be possible to produce anything from our homes, offices or studios. Then many of us don’t have to put up with the rising cost of the tubes in London. There will be far less cars and buses on our streets and what about the cost by reducing the waste, because we will only be producing what we need? Have more time to grow grapes and figs? Be the green technology? I won’t mind that because I have got fig, the new red-love apple and the kiwi growing in my patio. How about ‘creating’ or ‘producing’ goods in whatever shape, colour or designs you want?

Think about how this advanced 3D printing technology will soon be ridding the developing world of their capacity to produce low cost, low wage commodities and replacing the manufacturing capacity into the hands of the developed world? Some say that at the moment this process is only possible with plastics, resins and metals and is mainly used as hobby or by few industries, but the three-dimensional printing will certainly be able to produce single items to undermine the economical advantage of producing goods in bigger capacity. 3D printing will surely expand fast as the technology improves and costs will fall. I am also not so sure how it really will works but just like in photo shop on my computer, would I be able to fiddle with the shape and colour of a ‘commodity’ where necessary and press the print icon to produce? And can items be stored and described in a digital file?

What about producing ‘stents’ for the blocked arteries? What about new skin layers for the aged? Cher is trying hard to rejuvenate her youth. What about producing new genes for children born with deformities? A son for those who have many daughters and the vice versa?

And what about printing a new husband? A new boy friend?

1 comment:

  1. "We can rebuild him. We can make better, stronger, faster!"
